Tailplane icing video to help explain how and why it happens.
Tailplane icing video to help explain how and why it happens.
If you would like to improve your data, Amazon offers a Garmin GLO portable GPS and GLONASS receiver. This device connects to your cell phone via a bluetooth port. There are a number of accessories that can be … Continue reading
If you are just arriving, please check out part 1 first!
Last time we covered GPS logger apps and the data which is stored from the apps. This time we will cover how to apply this data into something that … Continue reading
In today’s world of cell phones and a computer in almost all homes, it is easy to use these items to implement high tech training aids into our flying. To do this all we really need is a cell phone … Continue reading
I found this great article and resource for helping with cross country flight planning. In the article titled “The best (and only) Excel-based VFR flight planner you’ll ever need” by Chris Powell, he explains how to use the spreadsheet. Once … Continue reading